How do I choose a pickleball paddle for beginners?

How do I choose a pickleball paddle for beginners?

New players are always at a crossroads between paddle brands, as there are so few to choose from. This is one indicator that would give you a 100% guarantee with your choice of a quality paddle that is suitable for you and enables you to improve your overall performance as long as you know what to look for. To help a new pickleball player choose a paddle, here are some things to think about. A pickleball player new to the game may be struggling with a question on what kind of paddle he or she should buy, so pay attention to this checklist:

Paddle Material

Pickleball sticks are mostly made of three different materials: Paper can enable us to create one-of-a-kind works of art that merge his natural beauty, a touch of the human hand, and the elegant line. Most often the composite or the aluminum paddles outlast the wood paddle and are also the lightest type. But they are the ones who are at the lowest price. For starters, my advice is to get composite rackets because they are so forgiving even for beginners, you still will be strong and will hit the ball well It might be worth a higher purchase price though, because it is lighter and one has more control over the paddle for touch as well as balance.


You believe the weight of the stick requires your consideration. The paddle weight you choose will depend on your experience. Lighter paddles can be a good choice for beginners since they are easier to move and control. On the opposite end of the spectrum are those who prefer canoes since they usually have lower paddle weights than kayaks but can be used just as effectively even if it is just a matter of learning how to use them properly. Try out and use the paddle which you think has good balance and perfectly fits in your hand.

Grip Size

Numerous ping-pong sticks are produced with grips varying in size which enables people with hand sizes ranging from different sizes to use them. You might not be able to do it properly as well and you may be injured by doing it that way if your grip is too small. Clinging through the shaft of the paddle could be hard due to too much grip. A way to investigate the grip size that should be of interest to you will be found if you make use of a tape measure, around the palm at its largest part. Most of the paddles out there are equipped with a grip that is between 4 and 4.5 inches.

Grip Material

What you put on the handle of your paddle may have consequences associated with how firmly you can hold your oar. The bigger paddles are very padded so that you get more cushioned and absorb more sweat. Other paddles have open grips allowing for more breeze to pass so the sweat can be even more soaked up. Pick a paddle grip that will match your hand well and will feel easy during the paddle so that grasping the paddle will be easy even when you start the game.

Paddle Shape

The Pickleball racquets are available in various styles: the standard racquet shape, also known as “tennis” or “long body” racquet, and the longer, wider racquet shape referred to as “wide body.” It is proven that some larger paddles are excellent in speed and control. Long paddles are analogous to having a bigger sweet spot and more reach. Their face is longer in this case. Length does play a part in paddle width. For example, a wider paddle’s face will result in a larger hitting area and will enable you to play some shots that usually aren’t positioned in the middle. 


The cheapest paddle is by no means one which you should buy at the very beginning. Being a beginner in the world of skateboarding can be tricky and sometimes a bit scary since there is a range of decent long-term options that will not burn a hole in your pocket. Decide upon a price bracket that suits your budget and browse the related products within that amount of money. Compare paddles that meet your requirements and preferences.

Try Before You Buy

To avoid the mistake of purchasing a paddle without trying it, spending some money on trying out different paddles is highly advisable. Most sports shops and pickleball playing grounds have demos where you can use trial programs with different types of paddles on the court before you buy one. Thus, the hand of the oar will provide you with an opportunity to appreciate its weight, the way it fits, and the control that it offers. We can also aid in choosing the paddle suitable for your style of hitting and gaming.

When purchasing your pickleball paddle, consider visiting our online sports shop in Dubai to explore a wide selection of paddles and read customer reviews to help inform your decision.


By reflecting and thinking through the things you have acquired from this course, you can not only find a pickleball paddle that you can use right away but one that lets you enjoy the game to the fullest extent. This is worth having in mind as the paddle to match yours is the one that is comfy in your hand and lets you play your best shots.

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